Take a Hike: Cowell-Purisima Coastal Trail

Sustainable Silicon Valley’s mission includes educating the public and fostering discussions among industry, academic, and government leaders, by hosting a series of webinars, talks, and conferences about Bay Area environmental topics.  Video recordings of these events can be found on SSV’s YouTube Channel.  This article contains a sample of recent videos. […]

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SSV ARC_GIS = Story Maps

SSV Mapping Project: If a Picture = 1,000 Words, How Many Are in a StoryMap? This first effort (a work still in progress) identifies retail water agencies in the Greater Bay Area. It’d dynamic: click on the map to see more. To quote WikiPedia, “ArcGIS is a geographic information system (GIS) for working with maps and […]

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Sustainable Life Videos: Earth, Air, and Water

Sustainable Silicon Valley’s mission includes educating the public and fostering discussions among industry, academic, and government leaders, by hosting a series of webinars, talks, and conferences about Bay Area environmental topics.  Video recordings of these events can be found on SSV’s YouTube Channel.  This article contains a sample of recent videos. […]

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10 First Steps for Sustainable Living

Sustainable Living meets present day needs without compromising future generations’ ability to meet their needs. It seeks to balance individual well-being with the well-being of other people in society and the planet. Sustainable living recognizes the forces of change –societal, climate, and technological. And it involves a willingness to take actions – education, new habits, […]

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Lifestyle Feature: California Native Plant Society

One way you can express long-term investment in your community’s sustainability is to plant Bay Area-native plants!  Native species require less water than invasive species and require little-to-no pesticides or maintenance. They also encourage the restoration of native fauna and environment. California Native Plant Society is an all-inclusive website recommending garden patterns, educational resources and […]

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