Whack-a-Waste: California’s Evolving Laws on Refuse

In California’s ongoing battle against single-use plastics, efforts to eradicate plastic bags have been a game of Whack-a-Mole. Just as one type of disposable bag is banned, another emerges in its place, challenging legislators and environmental advocates to keep pace with the ever-evolving landscape of plastic pollution. This relentless cycle mirrors the arcade game’s ceaseless […]

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Justice scales

The High Social Costs of “Cheap” Artificial Turf

Students and their parents pay for artificial turf injuries. A great deal of public money has been spent by school boards and park departments on artificial turf fields over the past decade. The consensus thinking was that the high initial investment would be offset by greatly reduced water use and maintenance costs over the fields’ […]

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WET 6: Exploring the Maven’s Notebook

On a December day in 2021, Chris “The Maven” Austin met with SSV’s Water Director Dennis Murphy to chat about all things water in California.  Chris has been publishing Maven’s Notebook since 2013 and has been aggregating California water news since 2007.  CA Water 101 is one of numerous informative resources that can be found […]

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Two Earth & People Friendly Laundry Innovations

Tru-Earth Laundry Strips Want to do good for people and the planet while washing your clothes?  SSV Sustainable Life partner, TruEarth’s eco friendly laundry strips provide a convenient, plastic free, powerful yet less toxic way to clean your clothes than conventional laundry detergents from the supermarket, at a comparable cost. In addition, TruEarth donates a […]

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SSV Launches Climate Dashboard

With drought, wildfires, and extreme temperatures in the Western US coupled with torrential rains, rising sea levels, and more forceful hurricanes along the Atlantic seaboard, you may be sensing that the perilous repercussions of Climate Change are playing out right now. You are right! Glaciers are rapidly melting as the world has become a hotter […]

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Take a Hike: Cowell-Purisima Coastal Trail

Sustainable Silicon Valley’s mission includes educating the public and fostering discussions among industry, academic, and government leaders, by hosting a series of webinars, talks, and conferences about Bay Area environmental topics.  Video recordings of these events can be found on SSV’s YouTube Channel.  This article contains a sample of recent videos. […]

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Sustainable Life Videos: Earth, Air, and Water

Sustainable Silicon Valley’s mission includes educating the public and fostering discussions among industry, academic, and government leaders, by hosting a series of webinars, talks, and conferences about Bay Area environmental topics.  Video recordings of these events can be found on SSV’s YouTube Channel.  This article contains a sample of recent videos. […]

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Wildfires Can Contaminate Water

If your home or business catches fire, there is potential for water contamination, even if most of the structure survives the fire. During a fire, contaminants can enter the water system through structure or vegetation combustion, plastic pipes melting, and/or contaminated water from burned structures flowing back into the main pipe. […]

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